

Philippians 4:11-13

11I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

I hear the last verse quoted quite often in the Christian community, and rightly so, but it is often forgotten the context in which it was given. God has been teaching me many things regarding this lately, and it seems to go hand in hand with:

Proverbs 3:5-7

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

These have given me much comfort since becoming a Christian, however I realize that I all too often start leaning on my own understanding and looking at my present circumstance. It is when I have the rug pulled out from underneath me that I start to realize just how far I have come from where I am supposed to be. Things have not been easy for us in many areas the past few years. However, I am aware that it is all in answer to many prayers that I have prayed. Daily I ask God to mold me into the person He wants me to be, a person who is bold in their faith, a woman who is able to be a crown to her husband, a mother who is godly and raises a child who will go the right way when he leaves our home, etc. These trials are molding me into that person, ever so slowly it seems. We really do have to just give it over to God and in all things seek Him and His will. To lean on our own understanding is always detrimental to a key part in the Christian faith...we are no longer content with what He has seen fit to put into our lives and our paths become anything but straight. I have many times ended up going in circles all because I forgot these things. I'm sure if I were to look back on the path of my life very few parts would be straight...there would be many curves, circles, and even backtracking. This grieves me, but I know God is making me increasingly Christ-like and He is making me holy as we go through these difficult times so all I can say is thank you for answering my prayers in such an awesome way!


Breathing Poison

We live in a broken world –
You and I.
Every moment a heart cries
A silent tear and a sigh.
Money is thought to be the cure –
Only bringing greed.
We keep trying to fill the void –
Keep trying to breathe
But the air is poisonous here –
And we gasp for more
All of us slowly dieing –
If only we were poor.
Hard to believe what we thought was good
Would lead only to our demise
We always knew we could see
But never opened our eyes.
That would take too much time
And we all know that equals money
Didn’t see the value of it all –
Of an everlasting eternity.
But wait!
What about them?
They must be doing something different
They aren’t dieing men!
Our skin is slowly corroding –
Insides the blackest black
But they remain as before –
Bodies still intact!
It’s not our fault we breathe in poison
It’s the air we were given!
Quick ask them their secret
Where have they been?
In the arms of the Lord
They cried
“We knew if we stayed here
we would surely die!”
“Don’t you recall
the lesson you were taught?
To live in sin and breathe it’s air
Rejected the freedom He bought!
Jesus died upon that cross
Innocent as the lamb of God
And you chose to brush it off –
Pretending you forgot.

But we’ve been here all along
Witnessing in His name
We spoke only His truth –
And you chose Satan’s game.

Quick repent – fall on your knees
He loves you too and knows your heart
And if you’re not sincere –
Then here is where we part.”

We must fall on our knees –
Declare Jesus as Lord and Savior
To reject his gift
Is to live apart from Him forever

I can think of no greater tragedy
Because there is none
It doesn’t have to be
The time has surely come –

To stop indulging in sin
Live only to please Him
For to please Satan
Is only breathing poison!


House of Yahweh and the Sacred Name Movement

This is a follow up post to the Sacred Name Movement I posted last month. This is considered to be a "doomsday cult" by many. Rick Ross has collected some excellent information regarding this group if you are interested in finding out more http://www.rickross.com/groups/yahweh.html
Let Us Reason Ministries has a great section on what they teach as far as the names
There is also some information at this site

The reason I am linking to these instead of writing about it myself is mainly because I feel they have done a great job and I would just be repeating what they have already said.

In Memory

Loved Ones

So many memories...
so hard to remember.

Not so much as a whisper
to let me knowthat I would never
see you again.

I pray memories never fade
because pictures
will never be able to capture
the essence of your soul.

I've learned my lesson well
that tomorrow is never
a promise.
These lives we live
are but a vapor.

Hope emerges
even after breath is gone,
hope that again
I shall see your smile.

Heaven is beyond my imagination,
but it has to be
even more spectacular
now that you reside there.



I Heard You Cry

I heard you cry
in the privacy of your room;
behind the chambers of your heart
I saw a tear falling there.

I saw your pain
beneath that mask of illusions;
I shared in your anguish
as you tried to shine.

I laughed with you
when you held such joy;
an erruption of happiness
that moved your soul.

I saw you smile
in a way you never had
the day you came to me,
seeking my face tearfully.

I'm here with you now
picking you up
if ever you fall
and carrying you each day.

You feel my presence
and pray in silence
wishing you were a better witness
trying too hard to shine.

You already do, my child,
people see me in you
because I show them all
we've been through.

Dear child, your beauty is not
what you try to be
but the things in private,
that I alone have seen.

12/4/01 Edited 8/27/04

He is Risen!

What a marvelous day this Resurrection Sunday remembers! Oh, the hope that is in the fact that our Lord has been raised from the dead! As Paul said, without the resurrection our faith is useless and we are to be pitied above all men. Worthy is the lamb of God...worthy of honor and glory and power!

It amazes me how so many who claim to be in Christ can take the sacrifice that was made and the miracle of the Resurrection so lightly. I cannot begin to understand how a Christian can shy away from the subject of what has saved us from our sin and given us hope of life eternal! Yet, there are many who will go this entire weekend without ever mentioning what took place other than a short prayer before Easter dinner. May we take time not only this weekend, but every day to remember what has been done for us while we were still sinners and the love that has been shown to us through the sacrifice of God's only Son!

I am brought to tears every time I think of the price that was paid because of the sins I have committed. Oh, how unworthy I am of such a sacrifice! I fall to my knees knowing that He has accepted me not by my own merit but through the work of the Cross. This Resurrection Sunday I pray that every Christian is touched by His divine nature and His unfailing love and devotes themselves to becoming increasingly Christ-like daily as we are being made holy.
I apologize for not updating this blog in quite some time. Things are hectic with a two year old running around and being in my eigth month of pregnancy right now means I am usually catching a nap or trying to keep the house up during the times when I would normally be posting. However, I feel it is very important to keep this up as well so I am going to try to do a better job of updating it regularly instead going in spurts. There is so much I want to put here!

Right now there is a very urgent situation taking place which everyone should be aware of by now and that is the Terri Schiavo case. This lady is being starved to death by our own government. This has been emotionally exhausting for me to think about so I cannot imagine what it must be like for her family. I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around the pain they are going through right now. Please keep this woman and this family in your prayers constantly! Also, here is the e-mail address to Gov. Jeb Bush: jeb.bush@myflorida.com
Unlike what many have said, there is much he could do for this woman! He has the power and is in the position to save her life. Join us in pleading with him to step in NOW!