
Come Quickly That Day!

As I read the account
of the new city Jerusalem
written in Revelation
tears start to fill my eyes.

O come quickly that day
when we shall walk in the City
lit by His glory.
When His dwelling place will be
with those who fear Him.

O come quickly that day
when the old will pass away
and we will praise the King of Kings
the Lord of Lords
not from afar
but in the presence of the Holy One!

O come quickly that day!


2 Timothy 1:5-14

I know that you sincerely trust the Lord, for you have the faith of your mother, Eunice, and your grandmother, Lois. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don't be ashamed of me, either, even though I'm in prison for Christ. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the proclamation of the Good News.

It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life. He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan long before the world began - to show his love and kindness to us through Christ Jesus. And now he has made all of this plain to us by the coming of christ Jesus, our Savior, who broke the power of death and showed the way to everlasting life through the Good News. And God chose me to be a preacher, and apostle, and a teacher of this Good News.

And that is why I am suffering here in prison. But I am not ashamed of it, for I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what has been entrusted to me until the day of his return.

Hold on to the pattern of right teaching you learned from me. And remember to live in the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard what has been entrusted to you.

WOW! There are so many things to point out here! I used to be one who just 'read' through the text and didn't retain a single word, but then someone cited the verse that says a person who does that is like someone who looks in the mirror and forgets what he looks like! Now I 'study' the Word and it has opened a whole new world to me, one which I would never leave to go back to the way I was.

I love the first part I have highlighted. Far too many people forget about the self-discipline part of this. From this I am led to believe that someone who does not have a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline has not received the Spirit of God. That is a problem for those who believe that saying the 'sinner's prayer' at 5 saved them a spot in the Kingdom but that person grew up to be someone who showed none of these attributes that coincide with the Spirit of God.

And again, this part of Scipture poses a problem to those who adhere to "religion is a private thing". It says to never be ashamed to tell others about the Lord.... Oh, how I did not heed this in the earlier part of my life, but now it is my sincere passion to have my faith lived out in every part of my life and never hide it. That is one of the reasons I started this blog, there are a few I know of that say they are Christian but have seemingly went out of their way to make sure their blogs held nothing of their faith.

Hold on to the pattern of the right teaching you learned from me.... This negates the whole 'sincerity' factor. So many want to say that if is a person is genuine and sincere they will be okay when it comes to judgment day! Hitler was sincere, Bin Laden was sincere, many people are completely off track although very sincere! He says specifically to hold on to the pattern of the right teaching, which means there must be wrong teachings as well.

There are many more things that can be discussed on this, but I sadly do not have the time to expand on right now. Just some things to ponder in the light of God's authoritative word!


The Wonder of You, Lord!

O the glory of you, Lord
is far more than I know!

O the mercy of you, Lord
that I won't reap the sin I've sown!

O the grace of you, Lord
to pick me up when I fall

O the faithfulness of you, Lord
to carry me through it all!

O the love of you, Lord
giving your only Son!

O the power of you, Lord
that your will be done!

O the honor of you, Lord
Creator of all the earth!

O the Spirit of you, Lord
of such great worth!

O the wonder of you, Lord
that I cannot see...

O the wonder of you, Lord
to have mercy on me!


A Purpose...

That word in the Christian world has almost become synanomous with the Purpose Driven Life and the Purpose Driven Church both authored by Rick Warren. The titles as well as the words on the pages are both very deceiving to believers and non believers. I have come to the conclusion that these books and the motivation behind them could be the most detrimental thing within the body of Christ today. They are part of the 'seeker-sensitive' movement. The purpose of this movement is to make the 'seeker' feel comfortable enough that they will come to church and they will eventually cite the 'receive and believe' prayer located on page 58 of the Purpose Driven Life. There is no mention of repentance, no personalization of sin, no mention of judgment, and certainly no mention of hell! This goes completely against the teachings and life of Jesus Christ! Jesus used all of those things to bring a person to true repentance and to bring them to the saving faith that we all need.

The reason I am writing this today is because in the past week or so I have been in contact with many people who have fallen for the facade of finding their purpose in life through these books. If you are truly seeking out your purpose in life then you should turn to the Bible and find your purpose in light of God's word and His will. We should be focusing on God at all times. We are never to focus on man! Also, in these books there is an unhealthy emphasis on making God your friend. Yes, He is our friend, but above all we are to recognize His holiness, His righteousness, His sovreignty, and we are to worship Him and revere Him and even fear Him!

The Purpose Driven Church is far worse than the Purpose Driven Life in my opinion. They focus on making man comfortable and making God uncomfortable instead of the other way around. They tell the people they are okay just as they are and that it is fine to stay the way they are. They never have people recognize their sin and how we as man have completely and totally wronged our Creator! Instead, they tell them their life is going to be wonderful once they put on the gospel of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The truth is, Jesus promised us a much different life. He did not promise us a life of health, wealth, and prosperity. He promised us tribulation, persecution, and said the world would hate us! Imagine the converts reaction when all these things come to pass and the wonderful life he was promised by the church is seemingly a complete lie! The reason we are to come to Christ is not for a wonderful life, it is so that we can be forgiven our sins and escape the judgment and wrath of God. We all stand guilty before Him, each and every one of us and it is only through Christ's blood that we are able to escape eternal death and move into eternal life!


Here goes nothing...

This is the first of hopefully many posts that will relay who I am in Christ and what I'm living for every day. As I go into today as a mother, a wife, and a servant of Christ I find myself realizing just how short I come of my goals. I am constantly being reminded of what is required of me, yet I cannot seem to get it right every moment of every day. That is what I strive for, that is the ultimate goal. Of course, it will not be achieved until my life on this earth is done and I go to my eternal home. With this being my very first post I would like to take a moment to mention something that is very close to my heart.

It is out of love that I come to each one of you and plead with you that you will understand what I say. We are all sinners. Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen something? Have you ever used the Lord's name in vain? Have you ever lusted after another? If the answer is yes to any of the above then I can safely say that you are a sinner that will be guilty on the day of judgment. No matter how good of a person you try to be, you cannot be good enough. You have not reached God's perfect standard, nor will you ever be able to. But there is good news! If you understand that you are a sinner, and you have a desire to turn from your ways and spend eternity in heaven rather than hell, Jesus died on the cross to take away every single one of your sins. God gave His son to die a horrible death just so that you could live! He raised His son from the dead and Christ intercedes on our behalf if we accept what He has done for us! Please give this a lot of thought. Examine yourself and your deeds. Are you really a good person? What will God say to you on judgment day?