
Here goes nothing...

This is the first of hopefully many posts that will relay who I am in Christ and what I'm living for every day. As I go into today as a mother, a wife, and a servant of Christ I find myself realizing just how short I come of my goals. I am constantly being reminded of what is required of me, yet I cannot seem to get it right every moment of every day. That is what I strive for, that is the ultimate goal. Of course, it will not be achieved until my life on this earth is done and I go to my eternal home. With this being my very first post I would like to take a moment to mention something that is very close to my heart.

It is out of love that I come to each one of you and plead with you that you will understand what I say. We are all sinners. Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen something? Have you ever used the Lord's name in vain? Have you ever lusted after another? If the answer is yes to any of the above then I can safely say that you are a sinner that will be guilty on the day of judgment. No matter how good of a person you try to be, you cannot be good enough. You have not reached God's perfect standard, nor will you ever be able to. But there is good news! If you understand that you are a sinner, and you have a desire to turn from your ways and spend eternity in heaven rather than hell, Jesus died on the cross to take away every single one of your sins. God gave His son to die a horrible death just so that you could live! He raised His son from the dead and Christ intercedes on our behalf if we accept what He has done for us! Please give this a lot of thought. Examine yourself and your deeds. Are you really a good person? What will God say to you on judgment day?


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