
Unworthy, Yet Blessed...

As I type this my beautiful 21 month old son is sleeping. I love watching him when he sleeps. His new brother or sister is doing quite the opposite right now as my stomach is getting a work out from him/her. I feel quite blessed this night, as I do most of the time. There is a peace lately that has come over me in so many areas of our lives. I love being a wife, a mother, and most of all a child of God. I feel as though every desire of my heart has been fulfilled and the pure happiness and joy of that is more than I could put into words. I had intended to dedicate more time to this blog when I started it, however, my attention has been drawn to other things at the present time. I hope to be more consistent after the first of the year.

I am so thankful for everything God has done for us. This past year has not been easy, but I am assured because I know we are more in His will than ever before. I don't mean to sound prideful in saying that, in fact I say it with much humility. The reason I can be assured of such a thing is through the very Word that He left us with. Oh how thankful I am for the opportunity to read the Bible and the honor of going to Him in prayer!