
Dollar Store Paints

This happened last January but I wanted to put it here because it really made such a huge impact on me.

I was running to the grocery store with my two lovely children in tow at 4:30 on a Wednesday afternoon. I usually do not undertake such an adventure in the afternoon but this trip could not be avoided. In order to coax my three and a half year old to hurry along I told him we would stop by the dollar store and get him some paints. After rushing through the grocery store I buckled both children in the car and my son excitedly said "Yay, now we get to get my paints!". I had completely forgotten about my promise. We drove across the parking lot to the dollar store and went inside. Again in a very hurried manner I led my son to the aisle with the paints and told him to pick out two. We went to the front of the store to pay and there was only one cash register open.

The lady in front of us had a cart full of items. I was very irritated and inconvenienced since we only had two small items and was hoping she would let us ahead of her. My son started talking to her. He said, "Look what I have. I am going to paint a house and a car and a person." The lady took great interest in talking to him. Finally it was her turn and the girl started to ring up her cart full of items. When she was almost done, the lady in front of us said, "Please put those two in with mine as well." I couldn’t believe it. I sheepishly said she didn’t have to. The reason for saying this so sheepishly was the conviction that was brewing in my heart. Then she turned to us and said "I want to. I’m sorry I didn’t let you go ahead of me but I really wanted to buy these for him." The attitude I had in my heart was completely wrong and God made sure that I was fully aware of that. I witnessed such kindness and such love in this one act and I feel honored and blessed that my son was able to experience it as well. I will definitely have a different attitude the next time I am in such a situation and perhaps I will not be so hurried but instead look at the people in the store with me the way God looks at them.


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