
Birthday Parties

My son is about to turn 5. He went to his first real birthday party (read: without mom staying the entire time) in December. He told everyone about this party and slept with the little "goodie bag" that was given to him. He has also been begging me to let him have a similar party. I told him he could invite four friends and we would indeed have a party. The invitations have all been given/sent so I cannot go back on it now.

I am not a party person. I do not know how my own mother did it all those years when we insisted on inviting every single girl or boy in the class. I distinctly remember one year when I invited all the girls and I spent a good majority of the time crying on our basement steps while the rest of the girls had fun and somehow managed to also knock over the Christmas tree. My mother never turned me down though. I'm not sure this was always a good thing but I know she had the best of intentions. I am not looking forward to my kids having an expectation of a birthday party every year and I am terrified that they will constantly want bigger and better and say "so and so's" party was better than this one. I am trying to teach them to be thankful and not have those attitudes but realisticly I know that their little hearts will more than likely feel all of those things to some extent.

We will be having a Clifford party with many of the activities and games printed off of http://www.pbsparents.org . I plan on making my very first ice cream cake and I haven't a clue what we will do for decorations. This whole idea of everyone getting their own little bag of things is pretty foreign to me. I guess I'll be making a trip or two to the dollar store!

This party isn't for another three weeks and I'm pretty sure I will be stressing out over it every single day until it is over. I don't know if it is an introvert thing or what, but I honestly don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable doing this kind of thing!


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