
Get Moving

We had a gym open up across the street from us recently. I haven't been to a gym regularly in the last five years! When I went before, it was always with my husband and that made it fun and quite enjoyable. When it came to me having to leave my treasured family and drive across town to get to the gym all by myself I just didn't have the motivation to do it. It seemed like more of a chore to me. Well, before this gym opened I was so excited to be able to just walk there and only go for twenty minutes if I wanted to. I have been getting up every morning at about 6:00 and going to the gym from 6:30 until 7:00. This has put such a different spin on each day. It gives me a quiet time to start the day and it gets me moving. My mood is so much better and I feel like a better mom on the days that I go. I haven't went in the last few days because my daughter has been sick which means she has been whiney and I don't want to have her throwing a tantrum when I leave. Sometimes I am able to get out before they even wake up, but I didn't want to take the chance. I plan on returning tomorrow morning. It just makes such a difference to get moving every morning even if I do have to drag myself out of bed to do it. I am so happy I am there once I get there!


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