
Mommy, please play with us!

My four year old son is definitely a quality time child. He is constantly requesting that I play with them. This consists of sitting on the floor playing with whatever "guy" they pick for me. I must talk in an unnatural voice and help whoever needs me and be a guest at Winnie the Pooh's birthday party which is always in my daughter's imaginary world. I could sit there and play for hours and they would still beg me to sit with them a bit longer. I know it is the times that I sit with them playing their games that they will remember when they get older. It is not whether the house was completely clean or not. I try to make a point to sit and play with them at least once or twice during the day and interact with them no matter what I am doing. I am getting better at including them in everything I do as they get older even though it may not get done as fast nor as well as if I just did it by myself.


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