
The High Calling of being a wife

It is so easy at times to get wrapped up in the children. They take up much of our time and definitely have needs that are urgent to be tended to. It often slips our mind of what life was like before these precious little lives came into the world. Before the incredible blessing of children was a marriage between two people that loved each other enough to say "I do" until death. Children are wonderful and motherhood is definitely a priority but we cannot let that hinder the relationship of husband and wife. There are so many things that we, as wives, can be and need to be for our husbands.

The first step is being thankful. When I stop and think about everything my husband does for me on a daily basis, I am overwhelmed at the love he has for us as a family, and for me as his wife. He knew that I had a desire to be a stay at home mom and he never once has pushed me to be anything other than that. He has made sacrifices and never complains about the fact that I do not work. He works so hard every day and when he comes home he leaves it all behind just so he can focus on us. Sometimes this frustrates me because I want to know when he is stressed or what is going on at work, but I know that he does it out of his love for us. I watch him and I am in awe of the awesome, godly man He has given me for a husband.

The second step is to be realistic. Things are not always going to go the way we want them to. Sometimes I get things in my head and I dwell on them so much that when things fall short of my unrealistic expectation I am devastated. I do not hide this well at all. My husband deserves a wife who can be flexible and have fun even when the situation isn't perfect. He also deserves a wife who will call upon the Lord instead of leaning on her own understanding. I am guilty of not being those things but I am striving to become what I know God wants me to be as his wife.

The third step is to be understanding. I am also guilty of crying and saying I want my husband to be understanding. Most men have a totally different way of doing this. They won't say, honey we need to talk, and then have a one sided conversation filled with tears and poor me's. I am coming to the realization that I need to do away with this type of thing completely. He doesn't need that and truth be known, I don't really need to do it either. Nine times out of ten, and sometimes ten times out of ten, I am just making a huge deal out of something that is only in my head! If I want to be a good wife I need to understand what he needs from me. He needs support, love, and encouragement. To give him these things I need to make sure I am doing things with the right motive and put God first. It is so much easier to be a good wife when I am seeking God.

Valentine's Day is coming up. I, personally, think it is an unecessary holiday. However, we should make a point to remember to show our husbands just how much they mean to us and how much we love them every single day. If something is keeping you from completely loving your husband and showing him that love seek God on how you can overcome it and glorify Him in your marriage.


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