
Today I received word that my uncle, my mom's brother, was found dead in his apartment. They think he had been dead since Friday. It appears that many years of smoking, emphysema, and being overweight are what took his life. What makes this so difficult is knowing how close my mom was to her brother and not being able to be there for her, and the fact that his two daughters and his two grandchildren will have no more time to know him. Last I knew, he was not a Christian, which makes this perhaps the most difficult death I have ever dealt with. In any case, it has made me put things back into perspective as I tend to get caught up in the little things at times. This came as a shock to our entire family and it makes me all the more aware that no one is promised tomorrow. Hold your children close, and truly do not worry about tomorrow but live as though today is your very last.


Blogger Joshua Ritchie said...

I am terribly sorry to hear of this. You family will be in my prayers.

July 24, 2006 10:40 AM  
Blogger Monica said...

Thank you. It is truly only the grace and mercy of God that we see another day.

July 24, 2006 11:06 AM  

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