
Should Christians Be Popular?

The following "Question" was asked by a member of the congregation at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, and "Answered" by their pastor, John MacArthur Jr. It was transcribed from the tape, GC 1301, titled "Bible Questions and Answers." A copy of the tape can be obtained by writing, Word of Grace, P.O. Box 4000, Panorama City, CA 91412 or by dialing toll free 1-800-55-GRACE.
How can a Christian be popular with the world?
The answer is, by being a lousy Christian. There is no way that when you define your Christianity you can ever really in the truest sense be popular with the world.
I think that Christians who have a warm and loving spirit, who do good unto all man as the Bible says, not just to the household of faith; Christians whose lives are exemplary; Christians who meet the needs of those who are in need (like the good Samaritan); Christians who supply for those who have lack; Christians who are loving and kind and gentle will have a certain amount of popularity, they’ll have a certain amount of acceptance with the world. Those who are diligent, those who are faithful, those whose morals and ethics are above reproach will be respected by the world, but in terms of actually being accepted in the system, being a Christian eliminates that possibility.
“What fellowship hath light with darkness,” right? Paul wrote to the Corinthians, the sixth chapter in II Corinthians; he said there is no fellowship at that point. The more defined your Christian faith becomes, the less able you are to accommodate the world. And if you’re really bold and honest as a Christian, you’re going to find yourself having to confront the world with honest answers, with honest comments about the true problems in the world, and you’ll be very unpopular.


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