

Time goes by so fast! Our beautiful daughter will be turning one in ten days. Our son turned three just a month and a half ago and we will be celebrating our fourth anniversary next week! I have heard of many mothers and wives who are very worried about losing their identity as a woman when they become a mother or a wife. This is strange to me. In the past four years that I have went from being a single young woman to a wife and then also to a mother I have noticed something. My identity is being a Christian wife and mother. Afterall, I was created to be his help meet! This was the purpose for the creation of woman, so I don't know why I should desire an identity apart from my role as a wife. This is my job and I take it very seriously and I feel no loss of identity but rather I feel fulfilled in the roles that God has put me in. I find that when I grow as a wife and as a mother I also grow in my individual relationship with Christ. They are connected, as a man and a woman are joined together to be one. When we are wives and mothers striving to bring glory to God in our homes and putting His word in our hearts we are inevitably going to grow as women as well.


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