
Spring Cleaning

I am attempting to do some Spring cleaning this year. We started yesterday and I am going to do toy rotation and see how it goes. I posted earlier about my struggle to get my children to pick up. Well, I figured out that half the problem was that they have too many toys for the space that we have to keep them in. Don't get me wrong, they do not have a lot of toys. It is just that in our main room it tends to get very messy very fast if they are playing with more than a couple toys at once. I boxed up about half of them yesterday so that it would be easier for my two year old to put things in their correct places and perhaps not be so daunting to them when I ask them to clean up their mess. I think this is going to help and then in a month I will switch out the toys in the box for the toys that are out and hopefully that will keep them interested as well as teach them a bit of responsibility! I also cleaned out our kitchen cupboards yesterday. I am trying to get organized and stay encouraged with this and have been checking out this blog. I haven't printed out all the sheets but she is going about it at a very doable pace and has put a lot of work into it.


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