

Since I started going to the gym it has been the perfect place for me to meditate on scripture and pray without being interrupted. This does not happen very often if the kids are awake so I really enjoy it. Lately though I have felt a major shift in what is being called of me. My heart is being drawn unto my husband in a manner I had not known. My heart is being drawn unto my children to be more than I ever thought I could be to them. My heart is being drawn unto my friends to offer more of myself and really come into their lives in a more challwenging deeper way. My heart is being drawn unto those who are cast aside to come alongside them and let them know they are worth investing interest in. My heart is being drawn to encourage and build up and challenge where needed. When I begin to think of it all it can seem like too big a task. Yet it is not me. It is Christ. It is not my own desire but the calling of the Holy Spirit and with His power, with His love it is possible. In a way I felt like Moses at first. He asked Moses to speak and Moses said I cannot, what if I fail? God said you will not fail for it will be me but Moses again insisted he was not capable until finally God sent Aaron to speak instead. My first reaction was to respond, me? Shy, anxious, stumbling me? Yes, me but not my weaknesses - I shall do it in His strength.

Today at the gym I kept having these pictures of hosting a Bible study while kids played and praying together and of my door being opened and people coming in for fellowship, for encouragement, for Christ. Oh what joy it gave me and oh how I pray it comes to be someday! Oh, how far He has brought me, how much He has stretched me, how far I have to go!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had moments of prayer just like this!
I see that you are feeling down right now, I hope you re-read what you have written here. Read it over again and remember the great joy you felt when you knew for certain that He has a plan for you. Because you know He does. Even now.
This is a great journal entry.

Thank you so much for your encouraging comment. There is no way you could know just how much it means.

May 13, 2008 9:26 PM  
Blogger Monica said...

Thank you for stopping by! Thank you also for encouraging me to re-read this entry, it was very timely for me to do so.

May 21, 2008 1:55 PM  

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