
Does God Need Us to Sin...?

That might sound like a dumb question, but hear me out. Many times someone has said to me, "yeah, but...don't you think it was all in God's plan?" I have also heard such assertions as "Everything happens for a reason." Now, to put these into context they are almost always in response to something that someone did wrong but somehow it all turned out okay, and at times even good. For a long time, I thought nothing of these statements and even tended to agree with them. However, through the light of Scripture, I now want to scream at these people when they say such things! They are implying that God needed them to sin in order to bring them to where they are. This is merely an attempt to justify what was done and say that in essence you were helping God out in His plan by sinning! How horrible it is to think that way! Yes, God can bring good out of evil. He can turn your situation around and given your sin and your unfaithfulness He can bring you back to Him and even bless you when you have turned from that sin. However, God most definitely did not need you to sin to bring you there! Just something to think about the next time someone says those things to you in that context.


Blogger Chris P. said...

Everything does happen for a reason. The reason is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory. You are right, sin is not in the ultimate plan of GOD. He doen't require us to sin but HE does have complete foreknowledge of everything and is able to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Although there are the open theism theories that try to say just that. So we can rest with confidence in Paul's words that "all" things work together for good,to those that "love" Him and are "called" according to His purpose.We must not confuse what GOD allows with His perfect will. Good thought.

October 01, 2004 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mark Twain said:
"There are many scapegoats for our sins, but the most popular is Providence."

I'm enjoying your journal...smile.

October 05, 2004 1:01 PM  

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