
"All by self"

This is a post inspired by my two year old son. It is about something that brought me to my knees earlier today. It's amazing how much God has taught me through the lives of these children He has entrusted my husband and me with. My son has recently entered the "all by self" stage in whitch he knows he needs help but is so determined to do it by himself that he ends up getting frustrated with whatever he is attempting to do. Today I was brought to the realization that it is this same exact thing that keeps so many of us from where we should be in our walk with Christ. It is our knowing we need help from Him but refusing to accept it that keeps us going so slowly, stops us, or in the worst cases takes us backwards along our path.

I have to say there are times when I feel like I am the only one who struggles with living a Christian life. When I look at people I don't see their struggles because everyone puts their best act on for others to see. I am guilty of doing it as well, although inside I long to get the help and support I need as a Christian in these inward battles I face. I seek the strength of God in these things but I am aware that He gives us the rest of the body to help us in times like these to turn us back to where we need to be. Maybe if we weren't all so intent on doing things by ourselves we would start moving towards the goal and be able to help others struggling to run this race as well.

I am not the keeper of the money in our home, but when I think of the woman who gave all she had, I long to be that woman. Not in a monetary sense, although that is very important, I long to give everything of me for the glory and service of God. I know that He has given us His Spirit and by the power of that Holy Spirit we all can come closer to giving our all, but first we have to stop trying to prove something to everyone that we are capable of doing it on our own. We aren't capable of doing it on our own, and God never intended for us to do it that way - that is why we have a family of believers called the church...I encourage us all to use those that He has given to us.


Blogger Humble_Servant said...

Amen! Thank you for that timely reminder. I am very guilty of trying to do everything, "All by self".
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New King James Version)
5Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths

July 06, 2005 12:50 PM  

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