
Our Newborn...

It has been over a month since Rachel joined our family. She has brought even more joy and awe into our lives. To know that God has entrusted us with the lives of two precious children is beyond my comprehension at times. Though the task is difficult, I would have it no other way than to spend every moment of every day trying to instill in them Biblical values and to just love them with a godly love. There are so many things about newborns that I had forgotten. It is hard to commit every feeling, every movement, every smile to memory and to be going through it all over again is a miracle in itself. I am so thankful for the opportunity to watch this baby grow every day, and soon we will see more of her personality and watch her go from baby to toddler to little girl to woman. Her big brother is also such a blessing to observe as he gives her countless hugs and kisses and tries to include her in so many things. Of course we often have to tell him that she is too little now and he will have to wait a bit before she can do all the things he can. It is such a blessing to be called Mommy and to know all that God has given my husband and I in these two children. It is our prayer that we will guide them in the right direction so that just as it says they "will know which way to go". I know this post is a little off topic for my blog but I had to talk about the two gifts God has given us.


Blogger Humble_Servant said...

It is not off topic at all. Children are such an awesome gift from God! Your blog is about Christ and serving Him. Raising children in the Christian faith is the greatest thing we can do. You are an awesome mother and I love you!!

June 22, 2005 12:59 PM  

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